Mike Woosley, Principal 

Mike Woosley has served as CFO and COO of venture-backed and high growth companies that reached one billion in sales. He has experience driving companies from inception to profitability, growth-stage success, and readiness for IPO or sale.

Mike has a diversity of direct experiences including SAAS software, autonomous vehicles, digital media and technology, AI and optimization, and energy, cleantech, and nuclear.

Mike served as COO and CFO of Lotame Solutions from 2015 to 2018, and as COO until 2023.

Previously, Mike served as COO and CFO of Videology (acquired by Amobee) from inception until 2014. As the chief operating executive, Mike oversaw the Company's growth from zero to over $200 M in annual sales.  He also oversaw the Company's expansion to operate in approximately 20 countries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.  He helped the Company raise approximately $150 M in equity capital and $65 M in debt capital.  The Company grew to be the largest independent distributor of digital video marketing in many markets in the US, Europe, and Asia, operating in over 15 currencies. Its superior software came to be used for over 50% of digital video marketing transactions in many markets, and by every major ad agency holding company in the world.

Previously, Mike served as the Chief Financial Officer of Advertising.com (acquired by Time Warner) from its inception, through its S-1 filing, and ultimately its sale. The company grew to be the largest independent display network in digital media and had grown to over $200 M in annual revenue when it was sold to Time Warner in August of 2004.

Mike spent three years at Mars & Co., a strategic consulting organization, working in the energy industry, mostly nuclear, and solving issues related to valuation, contingent assets and liabilities, legal and antitrust, and general issues of finance. Mike worked on two transactions in excess of $1 B, including one successfully-completed hostile takeover.

Mike started his career in engineering. He graduated with honors from the University of Virginia earning BS, MS and PhD degrees. He has worked as a nuclear engineer at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge National Laboratories and for the Atomic Energy Commission of France.

Mike has experience in robotics and he served as operations manager for Team Jefferson, a robotics initiative that delivered mobile robots which competed in the 2005 DARPA Desert Challenge and the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge.

Mike's expertise includes experience in filing to take companies public through S-1 filing and SEC comment process, and shopping and selling venture-backed companies to publicly-traded buyers.  Mike has ten years of experience in business operations (COO role and responsibilities), and all practical areas of CFO function including inward facing technical and infrastructure issues and outward-facing investor, and capital issues. Mike has a great depth of experience in helping two private corporations expand internationally, including dealing with currency, cultural, and administrative issues. Mike has been involved in the raising of over $500 million in venture and debt capital including from Tier-A venture investors. He has worked with debt capital and facilities in a variety of formats and structures. His expertise includes a depth of experience in what is regular, usual, and customary in early stage equity and debt facilities.